Here is top one factor for running a successful football club…
Well, like in any industry, but also as well like on the pitch – placing the right people in the right positions and helping them to be prepared to use their maximum potential.
To help them enjoy in what they are doing, and to help them perceive obstacles as challenge rather then problems.
If you choose people (on and of the pitch), not just by expertise but also by alignment of their values to the same values others have – if those values are the same as Club has developed them with his community throughout history, there is very good chance to have good environment for development of successful club. As same as you invest in players in the pitch providing them any support necessary, you can invest in other people (coaches, staff, administration, management…) …
Because – they are all part of the same chain. Players (and performance they present on the pitch) are “just” the last, still most visible but also, in most cases, most short-term part of chain. Players leave (almost all), others stay (almost all)! Helping those people “in the backstage” will make them feel happier, club will be more sustainable, and they will deliver more for the players, club and finally for community – for same passion which glues each unique club stakeholders together and makes this industry so attractive!