As I have been analyzing in last articles, most important of 12 quality areas are Cognitive care, Human capital, Productivity and Talent identification.
You can find articles on following links:
1. How we perceive the physical and „decision making“ characteristics of players, how we can measure them and develop them? Click to read more.
2. About what is “produced” in the academies and what we could “produce” as well. STAVITI LINK NA WEBU_BLOG GDJE SE NALAZI 3. What do we about „digital life“ of kids in an academy, do we do anything about it and what could we do. Click to read more.
4. Relation between academies and player agents. Click to read more.
5. What academies across Europe do most often and what do they the least? Click to read more.
Most important quality areas were detected over working processes used on daily basis in youth academies. You will find all this quality areas in most used, least used, most correlated working process and in analysis of interviews.

Those working processes are separated in 17 quality areas. Among them most important are Youth academy – players, Youth academy – Coaches and Youth academy – Staff.

Finally, in development of youth academy, among 17 working areas and 12 quality areas, focus should be on coaches, staff, and players from one side and human capital, cognitive care, productivity and TID from the other side. Finally, ingredients are club buy-in and strategic importance for academy. That’s the path to follow to get to maximum of your potentials. Having this you will develop other quality and working areas as well!